
He was a 24 year from Queensland and his nickname is (or call sign) was Chippy. A common name back home given to Carpenters. His funeral service was conducted in Kyiv at Memory park and The ARK of Veterans was represented by Matho our Australian Kapelan to the Ukrainian Mininstry of Defence. He was able to comfort Chippys girlfriend Sofia and family. And many of Chippys mates, Chippy impacted this new Ukraine family only like young Aussie lads can. They loved his larrikin character his love for life and their daughter and sister. They are simply devastated by his loss. Their love for him was clear; he was like their own son. His Army mates although they only knew him for a short while loved his passion and dedication to the safety of others, his toughness and strength. Like all Aussie Diggers (soldiers) his mates came first. He belonged to an Ukraine military legion made up of foreign fighters and the service had about 100 people in attendance for both members being farewelled that day. They laughed they cried and they had a beer; they raised their glasses to say “See ya mate”. One of The faces of this war is about Ukraine and the many many many foreign fighters and the Ukraine families who Also mourn their passing. To Chippy, his Ukraine family and his Australian loved ones we say “together for victory “. We honour you and the selfless sacrifice you all made in the defence of another foreign shore that we as a nation have defended since the 1850’s. Utmost respect Matho and the Team Ukraine.

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